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The Columbian: Columbia River Shipping Channel requires a lot of upkeep, while dredged material gains value

September 9, 2018

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers removes enough sand from shipping channel annually to fill Seattle Seahawks’ CenturyLink Field twice

ASTORIA, Ore. — Even for its impressive size, Rice Island barely stands out on a mid-August morning. Approaching the island from upstream, clouds dulled the sun, muting the Columbia River and flattening the landscape’s already monochromatic gray. Read more...

By Abbi Russell August 25, 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE USACE Seeking public comment on Lower Columbia River Channel Maintenance Plan Draft Dredged Material Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement Comment Period Opening Date: August 23, 2024 Comment Period Closing Date: October 7, 2024 Interested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (USACE) is seeking public comment on its Lower Columbia River Channel Maintenance Plan Draft Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) . PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Lower Columbia River (LCR) is a dynamic system that poses an annual challenge for USACE to maintain the deep-draft Federal Navigation Channel (FNC) to the authorized depth of 43 feet and width of 600 feet. Sediment at the bottom of the LCR accumulates into mounds that can interfere with passing ships. It is important to have sufficient water depth for deep-draft vessels to safely transit. The goal of the DMMP is to develop a strategic plan for flexible, efficient operations for a minimum of 20 years to ensure the continued economic viability of this vital shipping gateway. The Proposed Action reviewed in this Draft DMMP-EIS is continued Operations & Maintenance of the LCR FNC for specific, authorized purposes and in compliance with the Endangered Species Act and all other applicable treaties, laws, and regulations. The Draft DMMP-EIS presents the potential effects on the human environment from the No Action Alternative and two action alternatives at a program level with site- specific analysis where it is available. All three alternatives include continued dredging and placement at previously established sites. The action alternatives include additional suites of measures to extend the life of existing placement sites, allow for new placement methods and locations, and reduce dredging volumes. Further environmental review would occur where appropriate prior to phased implementation of the DMMP, as further discussed in the Draft DMMP-EIS . The Preferred Alternative is the Draft Recommended Plan, which is a refinement of Alternative 1. NOTIFICATION USACE has developed a draft Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) to support continued operation and maintenance of the Lower Columbia River Federal Navigation Channel (LCR FNC) for the next 20 years. The DMMP was subject to environmental review via a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The EIS was jointly prepared by USACE and the Lower Columbia River Sponsor Ports (Sponsor Ports are the Port of Longview, Washington; the Port of Kalama, Washington; the Port of Woodland, Washington; the Port of Vancouver USA, Washington; and the Port of Portland, Oregon). USACE was the NEPA lead agency and the Port of Longview was the SEPA nominal lead agency for the Washington Ports. Combined, the DMMP and EIS are an integrated report known as the Draft DMMP-EIS. The Draft DMMP-EIS was prepared in compliance with Corps policy for the preparation of DMMPs, and the requirements of NEPA and SEPA. USACE will also issue a separate public notification of the proposed discharges of dredged or fill material described in the DMMP-EIS, in accordance with agency regulations and section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA, also known as the Ocean Dumping Act) and section 404 of the Clean Water Act. VIEW THE DRAFT DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT View the Draft DMMP-EIS on the USACE Digital Library The document is also viewable at the following locations: Longview Public Library 1600 Louisiana St, Longview, WA Multnomah County Library 7905 SE Holgate Blvd, Portland, OR St. Helens Public Library 375 S 18th Street, St Helens, OR Cathlamet Public Library 115 Columbia Street, Cathlamet, WA Port of Vancouver (online viewing available) 3103 NW Lower River Road, Vancouver, WA Port of Longview 10 International Way, Longview, WA Port of Kalama (providing thumb drive for viewing) 110 West Marine Drive, Kalama, WA Port of Woodland 1608 Guild Road, Woodland, WA PUBLIC COMMENT PROCESS AND FINAL DMMP-EIS PREPARATION USACE and the Sponsor Ports will consider all Draft DMMP-EIS comments during the comment period and will respond to comments in the Final DMMP-EIS. If applicable, the Final DMMP-EIS will reflect changes from the Draft DMMP-EIS based on public comments and/or information made available since publication of the Draft DMMP-EIS. All public comments will be included in the DMMP-EIS record. Public comments must be submitted in writing via email correspondence, postal service mail, or in writing at a public meeting. Submit your comment through email to: (Please add “Draft DMMP-EIS” in the subject line of the email.) Submit your comment through the Postal Service to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Attn: CENWP-PME-E / DMMP-EIS P.O. Box 2946 Portland, OR 97208-2946 (Please add “Draft DMMP-EIS” in the subject line of submitted letters.) PUBLIC MEETINGS USACE and Sponsor Ports will host in-person meetings: September 16 • 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. • Cowlitz County Event Center • 1900 7th Avenue, Longview WA September 17 • 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. • Norse Hall • 444 WA-409 Cathlamet, WA September 18 • 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. • St. John’s Community Center • 8427 N Central Street, Portland OR September 20 • 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. • Astoria Senior Center • 1111 Exchange Street, Astoria OR USACE and Sponsor Ports will host a virtual meeting: September 24 • 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Meeting login information will be posted here:
The hopper dredge Yaquina, one of two hopper dredges owned by Portland District, USACE
April 19, 2022
PORTLAND, Ore. -- Army planners and Columbia River sponsor ports are hosting five virtual information sessions April 26-28 to update the public on their 20-year plan for managing dredged material from the Lower Columbia River. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) policy requires all federally maintained navigation projects demonstrate there is sufficient dredged material placement capacity for a minimum of 20 years. The Corps and sponsor ports are preparing a joint Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the plan, known as the Lower Columbia River Channel Maintenance Plan (LCR CMP) Dredged Material Maintenance Plan (DMMP). The Corps and its sponsor ports (Longview, Kalama, Woodland, Vancouver, and Portland) began the public comment period for the EIS in 2017 and are ready to update the public on their current plans. “The Lower Columbia River is a very important channel, annually moving over 50 million tons of cargo worth $24 billion, internationally,” said Sarah Knowles, project manager. “The Columbia River is ranked number one in the U.S. for wheat exports and is the third largest exporter of grain in the world.” Knowles added that the plan will allow the Corps to continue to maintain the Federal Navigation Channel until 2044. The Corps and sponsor ports invite all affected federal, state, and local agencies; Tribal Nations; and other interested parties to participate in the open houses to learn more about the 20-year placement plan. “The Port of Portland, along with other Columbia River ports, depends on maintenance dredging to support our trade gateway,” said Curtis Robinhold, Port of Portland executive director. “Maintaining the river channel at its authorized depth and width is essential to sustaining the billions of dollars of commerce that flow through the Columbia River.” Open houses: Virtual open houses will be on WebEx and feature the same content. Several options are available: Date Time More info: Tuesday, April 26 1-2:15 p.m. WebEx link Wednesday, April 27 1-2:15 p.m. WebEx link Wednesday, April 27 6:30-7:45 p.m. WebEx link Thursday, April 28 1-2:15 p.m. WebEx link Thursday, April 28 6:30-7:45 p.m. WebEx link Background: The Lower Columbia River Federal Navigation Channel project includes a main channel that is 43 feet deep and generally 600 feet wide, and that extends upstream of the Mouth of Columbia River (river mile (RM) 3) to Vancouver, WA (RM 105.5). The channel also extends into lower Oregon Slough and includes vessel turning basins at Astoria in Oregon, and at Longview, Kalama, and Vancouver in Washington. The Corps maintains the channel with a combination of dredging and pile dikes. For the past several years, the Corps has been dredging 6 to 8 million cubic yards of localized sand shoals to provide reliable service for deep-draft navigation on an annual basis. The scoping documents, Federal Register Notice of Intent, and background information are available on the project website. Presentation material will be added later. Project website: . – 30 – Contact Chris Gaylord 503-808-4510 Release no. 22-012
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